

Monday, September 3, 2007

Let's Not Go Hog Wild With The Fat!

While Anthony Colpo's article about the low-fat diet is on point please don't go crazy thinking you can eat tons of fat indiscriminately. Remember that food fried in fat is probably not good for you especially when relying on commercial restaurants. If you must eat fried foods please fry your own at home! Frying in polyunsaturated oils such as canola or soy should be avoided altogether because of their unstable nature and the strong possibility that they are already rancid on the store shelf. Using refined coconut or palm oils or even animal fats, which are saturated, is a much healthier choice because of their higher stability. Do not use frying temperatures above 350 fahrenheit (180c). Use stainless steal cookware and not iron, cooper or galvanized. Lastly, strain oil of food particles and store it in a dark place. I would not reuse this oil more than twice. Please try to keep your fried food intake to a minimum as high-heat cooking may lower the nutritional content of your food as well as produce AGE's (advanced glycation end products).
Use extra virgin olive oil for salads. If you wish to use canola, sun flower or other seed oils, get the unrefined version which is similar to the extra virgin olive oil. Spectrum carries these oils.
Of course following these tips is not going to improve your health status if you continue to indulge in sugar, refined carbohydrates and other junk food. Good health and nutrition require real food not frankenfoods.

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The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Robert Angel, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright. The information on this website is not intended to replace the advice given from a professional health care provider and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult with your health care provider about your health care concerns.
